Thursday, May 14, 2020

Happy Holidays from Career Pivot Family - Career Pivot

Happy Holidays from Career Pivot Family - Career Pivot Happy Holidays I wanted to wish everyone in the Career Pivot community happy holidays. I will be taking a break so this will be the last post for 2017. I wanted to take a moment to introduce those who support me in my efforts in keeping Career Pivot running. Even though Career Pivot has only one employee, that is me, there are many that support the effort throughout the year. Stephanie Brodt Stephanie has been my virtual assistant for all of 2017. She edits all of my writing, creates the BoomerJobTips posts, the Weekly Career Insights email and assembles podcast post. I will continue to hand off more functions to Stephanie in the future. Podfly Podfly’shome page says it all: Podfly Productions, LLC is a boutique podcast production company. Podfly takes the time and headache out of creating your own podcast. Our team sets you up with the right equipment, training, and guidance to ensure you sound amazing. Podfly does all the heavy lifting and technical work so you can focus on creating great content and growing your audience. I have been working with the Podfly team from the very beginning. Elizabeth Rabaey Elizabeth has been a client and later an intern. She continues to support me by assisting me with my Mailbag podcast episodes. You can listen to her story in Episode 20 of the Repurpose Your Career Podcast. Brian Kinsella Brian is the latest addition to the team. Brian is now building the Career Pivot Community websiteand is keeping the running.You can check out Brian on hisLinkedIn profile. Brian replaces my dear friend and comrade, Melinda Taylor, who passed away in early 2017. Melinda was with me from the beginning and made the Career Pivot website attractive and usable. She was a valuable asset that will truly be missed. Look for some big announcements in early Januaryabout the new community. Happy Holidays and Look for some Big Changes for 2018 As I announced in my podcast last month, my wife and I will be moving to Ajijic, Mexico in the middle of 2018.Career Pivot will continue but I will be running it south of the border. Look for the 2nd Annual Reader Survey in early January, along with the results from the Podcast Survey that is currently open. If you are a ‘Repurpose Your Career’ podcast listenerand you have not taken the survey, please do it now. Let me close with … 2017 has been a tumultuous year and I am really looking forward to 2018. Happy Holidays!! Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

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